Imagination Initiative is a way to get kids involved in their local libraries. Youth were invited to draw their own storybook character from their imagination. Characters were reviewed by the Boulder Teen Advisory Board. Highest rated and selected artwork has been made into wall graphics for placement around the library system. Children and their caregivers will be invited to the library to see creations invented by their communities and themselves. Characters created through public engagement and transformed into digital assets were made into a scavenger hunt with prizes.
You can find this scavenger hunt at every Boulder Public Library branch from Dec. 18 through Feb. 28.

Locations where you can find graphics include:
Outside of Makerspace
Windows to Edible Learning Garden
Windows near beehives/ramp
Near balcony upstairs
Outside of Teen Space
In children’s near world languages
Discovery Wall
Family Play Area

Wall in entry
Between windows in children’s
On blue wall to left of Teen Collection glass windows in atrium room

Endcaps in children’s area
Windows in children’s
Whiteboard by popup shelves
The window that views sorter/staff work room

17. side of DVD shelving unit or shelf
18. Side of board books bin

19. Window of main door  scavenger hunt is a part of the Winter Reading Program.