Trans Praxis, solo exhibition, Teague McDaniel, Evans School, Denver Digerati space

Collective Nouns. Group show from the Postgender Euphoria Series by CII founder, Teague McDaniel. Center for Visual Art, 2022. CII artist presented

Semantic Shifts. Solo show with work by Trevor Seymour. Hosted by Odessa Nomadic at Collective SMLK, 2018. Curated by CII

Untitled. Solo show with work by Maddison Graybill. JuiceBox, 2018. Curated by CII

Analogue Impressions: Analyzing the Printmaking Process. 965 Gallery, 2017. Curated by CII

Resound: Reverberation Between Artist and Place. 965 Gallery, 2017. Curated by CII